Watch Videos On Your Meta Quest with External Storage

Perhaps you want to go on a trip and bring some videos to watch, or you have some high-definition content you don't want to steam over a network. With a few things, you can easily watch movie files on your Quest VR headset. As an Amazon Associate, if you use my links to purchase an item, I may receive a commission. Hardware VR Headset Storage Storage Device - With an adapter, any one you have around the house will work Lexar 128GB Dual USB-A & USB-C Drive USB A to C Adapter USB-C Hub (Optional) USB-C Extension Cable (Optional) Note: A Hub can allow you to charge your headset while external storage is connected. You can also use it to connect a keyboard or other USB accessory. The Extension cable allows you room to move around a little without the hub hanging off of your head. VR Application I decided to go with SKYBOX VR Player. It is only $9.99 and has had no issues accessing an external Storage Device. It is also compatible with a wide range of common video file types...